Thursday, December 1, 2011

Review - Regret Free Parenting

Book - Regret Free Parenting: Raise Good Kids and Know You're Doing It Right.

Author - Catherine Hickem, Founder of "Intentional Moms."

Publisher - Thomas Nelson.

Price - $15.99

Every mother wonders if they are doing a good enough job. We would all love a step-by-step plan laid out for us to follow.  Catherine, a licensed psychotherapist and mother, offers seven principles to help encourage, teach and inspire us to raise our children without regrets:

Chapter 1 - Why Well - Meaning Moms Raise Insecure Kids.
Chapter 2 - Why Good Kids Don't Feel Good.
Chapter 3 - You Can Live Peacefully in the Teenage Years.
Chapter 4 - Become a Thinking Mom.
Chapter 5 - Respect is Necessary, Happiness is Not.
Chapter 6 - The Difference Between Control and Intention.
Chapter 7 - God's Sense of Humor Begins with Contractions.

Catherine has observed, and counselled, countless mothers and many families.  Her perspective as a Christian is encouraging. Her advice will reassure readers and give them confidence.

In today's society, we are often confused by mixed messages in raising our children. We are struggling with an ever - changing culture, and are being offered a myriad of advice from both the secular world and the Christian world. I appreciate Catherine laying things out clearly for us. Many will sigh in relief as they read her words.

I loved reading the foreword, where she described about her own  mother. In each chapter she tells a story that is personal, or one from a family situation she has observed. She has done a marvelous job explaining each  point.  When times get a little low for me, and I need some encouragement, I will be reaching for this book as a reference.

*Disclosure - I received this book for review purposes.*

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