Monday, December 19, 2011

Homeschooling Stories and Ideas - Index of Articles

Teenage Children Doing Homework, Mother Sitting Reading in Chair

I started homeschooling in 1990. Things are so different now! We have more resources, more curriculum choices, and the public is generally more accepting of this kind of education.

My five children were homeschooled from pre-school through high school. My oldest (now 23) has graduated college. My second child, (now 22) has completed 3 and 1/2 years of college. My 18 year old and 16 year old have finished school with me, and have gone on to experience life in the working world!  I am currently teaching my youngest, who is 14 years old, and has a slight learning disability.

Through the years, I have kept to a very basic teaching philosophy that has stood the test of time. I have mostly used 1800's school books, including the McGuffey Readers, and Ray's Arithmetic. I have also used all kinds of curriculum from various publishers.

My children are not Harvard - bound geniuses, they are average and normal, like their father and I.  However, they are extremely creative, inventive and have amazing life skills.

Through the years, and with seasons of change, I have adjusted our homeschooling plans. There is no fixed right or wrong way. We all need to be flexible and make changes as often as necessary. Sometimes what works for one child, will not work for another.

The following are a list of stories and memories of our homeschooling experiences. There are also a few articles that share ideas and encouragement for your own home school. 

This index of articles will be updated, so keep checking back!


How My Children Learned Social Skills. (Fun memories of their daily lives!)

Teaching Reading and Writing:

Efficient Teaching Ideas - Using the 1800's McGuffey Readers.

Efficient Teaching Ideas - Creative Writing using the 1800's Websters Dictionary.

Efficient Teaching Ideas - Teach Proofreading and Editing in a fun and easy way!

Teaching Math:

Efficient Teaching Ideas - Using Ray's Arithmetic (1800's) and an Amish Math book for Mental Math.

Chalkboard Math for Teenagers.

The History of our Financial Lives

The Bad Days:

When Mama Falls Asleep on the job. (A Very busy day!)

Life Skills:

Teaching Life Skills to Sons. (Memories of working with one of my Sons.)

Teaching Home Economics to Daughters. (A Series of Posts.)

Homeschool Schedule for a Teenager. (A Look at one Possibility)

An Easy Way to Prepare a Homeschool Student for College. (What we've done.)

Daily Life:

Education Must Not Be Rushed.

Homeschooling Today at the White House.

The Last Years of Homeschooling.

School at Home without a Lesson Plan.

Homeschooling as a Way of Life. (Preventing Burnout.)

The Little School at Home.

The Mailbox in the House. (A Special way of communicating when busy.)

Mother as the Coach.  (The sum of motherhood and homeschooling.)

Home Studies in the Evening Hours. (With a new baby in the house, and not much time.)

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.


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