Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spoiling Breakfast

The Brioche

I have to admit this. . . I would rather eat cookies and chips than a real breakfast. I will even make a nourishing breakfast for my children, but take none for myself.

The problem is that I have little self - control when it comes to snacking. If I even eat one brownie, I am too full for a real meal. It's called "spoiling your dinner," even if it was only breakfast.

I have no problem creating a lovely ambiance for the evening meal. I have no trouble with the time involved in setting the table, lighting candles, and making a delicious, yet humble, dinner.

But in the morning, I have trouble taking all that time to enjoy a nice breakfast.   On the days I actually sit down at the table with tea, toast and a little fruit, I feel like I have accomplished a lot! 

Most mornings, I do a tremendous amount of housework before the family even wakes up.  I like to get most of my work out of the way. Breakfast, for me, would be like taking a break.  Do you remember the stories of farmers who would do morning chores before they even got to eat?  It is also convenient to get moving, and work hard before enjoying a nice meal. 

There were times we had grits, cantaloupe, eggs and biscuits for a pleasant, southern style breakfast. Other days we would have fresh baked muffins and fruit. Plain cereal is healthy and quick, but not very exciting.  Pancakes are too filling and make me tired. (smiles)  I have never liked eating eggs, but love making omelets for my children.  A nice formal breakfast, after an early morning of chores, is a lovely way to start the day.

Perhaps dressing up for breakfast, using fine china, linen napkins, and a delicate tea pot would help make breakfast time a more formal, inviting affair.  Even if I drink hot chocolate and have grits and toast, after doing some heavy housework, I would be more inclined to ignore the brownies so I can actually enjoy the breakfast hour.

Mrs. White

Massachusetts Memories - Manners Learned at the Finishing School.

For When We Get Weary - Brave Mothers Who Walk Into Walls.

If you are Overwhelmed - It's time for A Pink Day!

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