Book - Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches
Author - Rachel Jankovic
Publisher - Canonpress
Pages - 102
Author, Rachel Jankovic is a wife and mother of five small children, including 2 year old twins. At the time of publication, her children were all under the age of five! This book is designed to encourage and help the overwhelmed mother.
It contains 20 short chapters, which are similar to blog posts. Each one is like a devotional or lesson she has learned on different aspects of motherhood. She shares about handling things like difficult behavior in children, and in herself. She says, "As you deal with your children deal with yourself always and first." (page 14)
She makes it clear that Motherhood is hard work, but shares some ideas that have helped her get through the day.
Rachel explains that she doesn't claim to know it all. She is just sharing what she is doing right now, while the children are small. I would recommend this book to struggling Mothers who are in despair and are in need of some encouraging humor.
*Disclosure - I received this product for review purposes.*
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