Friday, October 28, 2011

When the Storm Clouds Cease


Sometimes, we mothers get so tired of trying to be good financial stewards. We carefully shop, cook and manage so that little is wasted. When a crisis comes, our foundation is shaken and the rain-of-tears starts to fall. . . We feel hopeless and destitute.

It seems that when great trials come, we seek God more.  We rely on Him because we cannot manage the impossible on our own.

Today, as I was driving home from my errands, I realized that all my worries this week had been resolved. I had been through yet another storm, and had survived.

"O ye of little faith." - This passage echoes in my mind from Scripture.

Sometimes I wonder, "Lord, did you decree poverty for me, so I could comfort the poor?"

Mrs. White

The Delicate Beauty of Homemaking.

Keeping your vision - When Couples Dream.

This is just what I need - A Jane Austen Day - When Mother is Worn Out.

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