Monday, October 24, 2011

Bossy Wives

Marriage of Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier Kneeling at Prie Dieus During Mass in the Cathedral
Marriage of Grace Kelly to Prince Rainier

Many of us nag our husbands. We give them lists of things to do, just like they are our children. We boss, we control, we irritate. Perhaps we do this rarely, or without even noticing, but we all do it.  This morning I caught myself  "offering a suggestion" to my husband about our van repairs that needed to be done.  The look on his face was one of  "I was already planning  to do that, but now I won't because you told me to!"   After I walked out of the room, I realized my mistake. I came back and apologized by telling him a joke I'd seen on the "I Love Lucy" show.

Lucy "disappeared," to get attention, by pretending  she was missing. Fred Mertz told Ricky he shouldn't bother replacing his wife by remarrying. He should just get a parrot to nag and throw away his money.  When I told this to my husband, he laughed.  All was well.

When will I ever learn that my husband has his own agenda? When will I learn that he has his own routine and ways of handling his duties?   Can you just imagine if someone like Grace Kelly tried nagging Prince Rainier? What if our husbands were supreme court judges or high ranking generals in the army and we wives tried telling them what to do? Are our own husbands any less important or intelligent?

Do you know what is interesting? Few husbands nag or boss around their wives. So why do we do it?

Mrs. White

Precious times - Making the Morning Pleasant for the Family.

The importance of When Mother is Productive.

When there is very little Money - Financial Survival in Hard Times.

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