Saturday, July 16, 2011

Resting at the Estate

Wooden Doorway, Siena

Even a simple, humble home can have beauty. I like to call our old house an estate. It brings a touch of elegance to our lives.

I like to walk around the property and just enjoy the scenery. I enjoy sweeping the porch and the stairs. I like to sit at the picnic table and read a book.

Resting, here at home, means moving around slowly and being grateful for what I have.  It helps me to take a break from the weekly worries.

Thinking of home as an estate, keeps me calm and sweet-natured. I feel priviledged and content.

"A Lady is at her best when she exhibits a modest and retiring manner." - from Keeping Hearth and Home in Old Massachusetts   *

May your weekend be relaxing and pleasant. . .  And may home life be lovely.

Mrs. White

* I bought this book, many years ago, in the gift shop at Plimouth Plantation in Plymouth Massachusetts. It is a treasure!

The Lord provides - Financial Survival in Hard Times.

For those very rough days - The Harried Homeschool Mom.

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