Friday, June 17, 2011

Vintage Healthy Home Link Up

1950's - The White Family Kitchen

It's time to Link-up your posts! 

In the 1950's, families were more active, ate healthier foods and had more family time. Convenience foods had not yet come into fashion. This made for healthier homes! We want to bring back a more vintage lifestyle. 

Writings can be about anything related to Family happiness, Family game time, Family health, Mother's fitness (Fit Mommy), Outdoor activities and Nourishing foods. All you have to do is write something on your family-friendly blog and then come here to link-up! - Older posts are okay too!-

Just remember to link back to this post, so everyone else can enjoy all the submissions.

If you need a graphic or would like to read the introduction to this Link-up, please go to the Vintage Healthy Home Invitation. 

Fit Mommies -

If you are working on getting healthy and fit, we'd love to read about your goals, accomplishments and progress each week!

This week's featured blogger:

Debbie from Debbie's Digest. I appreciate her enthusiasm and hard work!

My Check in-

Fit Mommy -  Monday and Tuesday - I did deep cleaning for an hour and a half while wearing ankle weights. I was thrilled with how much housework I accomplished.

Wednesday and Thursday - I took a walk with Amy (16). It was her idea. The walks are peaceful and we get to "visit" and talk without distraction. 

Friday - I hope to take a walk again today, but I  have tons of chores, cleaning and laundry to finish first.

Would you like an opportunity to be featured next week? Just link up here and I'll pick one of you for next time.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. White

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.


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