Wednesday, June 1, 2011

House Account (Year 2 Month 1)

House Account Monthly is a Meme for Prudent Homemakers, which I host on the first of each month. Find out more about it and then come back to read my check-in.

The Questions:

1. Did you record all your spending this month?

I had a terrible time with this. For the first two weeks, I worked on it a few minutes each night. But then the receipts piled up. They became overwhelming. I had John (13) sit at the table and finish it all up for me. I offered to pay him $1.00 for the job. He was happy.

2. What are your goals for keeping a ledger? (Example - Get out of debt; Get a grip on spending; Teach my children sound financial skills; Be more accountable to my family for my spending, Analyze spending habits, Have a record of our estate, etc.)

I want a financial record of our lives.

3. Do you have a success story to share? (Example - reduced electric bill; paid off a debt; lowered grocery bill; saved for a vacation, etc.) We'd also love to hear your tips and ideas!

I made a goal to spend $25 less each week on food. It is very hard, but I am managing.  I looked over our finances and realized we don't have enough savings in our weekly budget. So this extra $25 will be $100 each month. In 6 months, if I can keep this up, I will have $600 saved. Of course, it will take tremendous sacrifice and I will have to work much harder with homemade meals and baking from scratch more often.  Children can easily eat tons of junk food. But they will be more full from whole wheat chocolate chip muffins, or homemade cookies.

4. (Optional) How are your children doing with this? Any cute sayings from them, or progress in their financial education?

I have not included the children in our planning this month. I will work harder at it next month.

5. Any helpful resources you've found? (such as a website, link to an article, or book)

I have always wanted to read the book, America's cheapest family.  I own The Tightwad Gazette and I have heard these books were similar. But I still want to read it. Have you?

6. Were you able to put aside some savings this month?

Yes! And the best part is... I didn't spend my savings!

7. Comments or Thoughts?

I have been able to drive less in the last couple of weeks.  Outside classes for the children are winding down for the summer months. My ability to stay home makes me more productive at home economics and saves wear-and-tear on our car. Not to mention the tremendous gas savings!

- How About You?

What ideas do you have to save money? Are you keeping track of all your expenses in an old fashioned ledger book? I'd love to hear about it!

Please share your thoughts, or a link to your blog post,  in the comments section.

Mrs. White

Read my complete History of House Account Monthly.

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