Friday, November 30, 2012

Take Back The Home

"Baseball Player Mowing the Lawn," July 20, 1946

Children can give us trouble. Teenagers can drive us crazy. And husbands can sometimes be difficult to bear. Mothers have so much to face each day, that it can be overwhelming. She may want to cower off somewhere and wait for the next "shoe to drop" before she gives up entirely. Or she may even play with the idea of moving out on her own (running away)!  When these rough times come, this is when her courage is most needed. This is when her creativity must come into play.

Mother must stand strong and Take Back The Home!

Many horrible things happened to me the last few days.  I was devastated by my circumstances and felt powerless to change them. But I finally realized that this is MY home. I am in charge. I am the mistress of this castle and it will be run in a rated G way! (smiles)  It is to be a godly home. It is to be a wholesome home.  Worldly troubles are not allowed indoors.  Rule-breakers will be firmly told not to step over the line, or consequences will keep coming, no matter how weary this mother gets.  I decided to take back my home.

First I put on my very favorite Edwardian apron. I wore my prettiest clothes and even a pearl necklace.   My mood and my courage require an appropriate uniform to show my authority as the Mother and Housewife of this lovely place. 

Next, I turned on my kitchen radio to hear a sermon of my late Uncle, a preacher from rural Alabama.  (He passed away in 1995, but many of his sermons had been recorded.)  As I listened, I remembered my childhood visits to his country church and the beauty of precious holiness, and godly living.  My courage began to soar.  I cleaned and made our humble house look lovely. 

I set out a game of chess on the parlour table.  Teenagers came by and spent hours happily playing together.   They were peacefully occupied!

A certain teenager stopped listening to her worldly music.  Another began to clean up his messes. The children started to smile and laugh and to, once again, bring joy to our hearts.  A grumpy husband cheered up because his wife was suddenly happy again, and devoted to home. 

After I spent the morning cleaning and loving my housework, I sat in a parlour chair to rest. Mr. White walked by and smiled at me.  He said he was very grateful to have me for his wife. 

I had taken back my home.

Mrs. White

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