Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Full and Busy House

"Rainy Day at Beach Rental," July 31, 1948

I love it when all my children are back at home. The house is busy and full of wholesome fun and activity.   My oldest ones will soon be here for Thanksgiving, and it will be just like the old days.

I was reading a homemaker book from the 1970's. The author talked about how her grandmother had it easier because her "nest" never emptied:

"In  my grandmother's day the children didn't leave home until they married.  Not one of her chicks established his own nest as a single person.  Consequently when the last one left home, Grandma was seventy-one."  - Terry Hekker

A full house, with children of all ages, brings joy to a homemaker.  There is always someone to visit with, bake with, play games with, and share laughter over a plate of cookies. 

Older children spend time out in the world, and bring home stories and news of  life "in the fast lane."  I love to be the one who is here to welcome them back, and delight in their presence.

Mrs. White

What My Dear Son Did - Presents to Cheer Me Up.

Marriage - What I Learned from My Husband's Weariness.

In Case You Wonder - How a Housewife Passes the Time.

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