Saturday, November 10, 2012

Amazing Dedication

Private Pew

Somewhere, in the middle of the world,  a heavenly light shined down on a virtuous Mother.   The angels watched, as she walked the earth with amazing dedication to the Lord.

Through her life, temptations came, but could not take her away from her mission.  It all started one afternoon, when she shut off the television, put aside a magazine, and vowed to give up her collection of worldly fads.  Something had happened.  The things of earth had suddenly become dim. Her worldly interest had faded.  The former things of the heart had passed away.   All it took was one little, hesitant step toward the warmth of holiness, and she was overjoyed with a yearning for heavenly treasures.

In Scripture, we are told to follow the Lord with all our heart.  There is no room for other loves, or worldly ambitions.  There is no room for worldly pursuits, because that would take away the time and the heart from the focus of the mission.

We are told not to turn aside.  We are not to become distracted by the glitter or the entertainment in this world.  This too will weaken the loving heart and take us away from our mission.

All earthly pursuits that are not founded on a godly vision, will be but hay and stubble at the end of one's life.  

The holy war, for the virtuous mother, is to recognize the subtle distractions and to have the courage to ignore them.  It is a daily battle. One that makes one incredibly weary, unless one is constantly warming oneself by the beauty of Scripture, old time sermons, hymns and solid church fellowship.

What else do you think Susanna Wesley (1600's) meant when she said, regarding the spiritual training of her children,  "I have lived such a retired life for so many years.  No one can, without renouncing the world in the most literal sense, observe my method: and there are few, if any, that would entirely devote above twenty years of the prime of life in hopes to save the souls of their children."   Two of her nineteen children, went on to be famous ambassadors of the Lord. John Wesley was an amazing preacher.  His brother Charles wrote some of the most beautiful hymns one could ever hear.

How else could any of this happen without Amazing dedication?  Is it painful to say no to the world and all its glitter?  Of course!  Is it painful and wearisome to stay on that little narrow path? Certainly. But the discipline it takes to make the effort is rewarded and relieved, when the flood of peace and heavenly joy comes in to renew and regenerate the mother's spirit.

At the end of her life, when others look over the earthly possessions of the departed, they expect to find worldly goods to sort.  Instead they find a hymn book, and  a tear stained Bible (for the path is hard, but worth it). Everything else was gone.  Because by the time she reached the heavenly gates, all her interests and worldly cares had dropped away.   Leaving the beauty of a dedicated life that amazed the souls she left behind.

And this heroic legacy made many want to stand strong for this same cause, the cause of being a holy light in a corrupt world.  On that day thousands more virtuous mothers came along and filled her place on this earth.  This is amazing dedication because of the AMAZING GRACE and LOVE of our dear Lord.

Now let me ask you this. . .  . Are we really following him? Or are we like the toddler child who is constantly getting tangled in the weeds of the world?

The virtuous mother craved and loved the church. She loved her Bible above all things.  She observed daily religious duties for the sake of her soul. And these small efforts kept her on the holy path.  This is what made the light shine down from heaven.  And the angels watched and were blessed by her life.

Mrs. White

Ideas for - A Happy Home.

The Classic Old Fashioned Housewife.

To Encourage the Mother of waywards - What Sundays Used to Mean to Housewives.

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