Friday, November 30, 2012

Take Back The Home

"Baseball Player Mowing the Lawn," July 20, 1946

Children can give us trouble. Teenagers can drive us crazy. And husbands can sometimes be difficult to bear. Mothers have so much to face each day, that it can be overwhelming. She may want to cower off somewhere and wait for the next "shoe to drop" before she gives up entirely. Or she may even play with the idea of moving out on her own (running away)!  When these rough times come, this is when her courage is most needed. This is when her creativity must come into play.

Mother must stand strong and Take Back The Home!

Many horrible things happened to me the last few days.  I was devastated by my circumstances and felt powerless to change them. But I finally realized that this is MY home. I am in charge. I am the mistress of this castle and it will be run in a rated G way! (smiles)  It is to be a godly home. It is to be a wholesome home.  Worldly troubles are not allowed indoors.  Rule-breakers will be firmly told not to step over the line, or consequences will keep coming, no matter how weary this mother gets.  I decided to take back my home.

First I put on my very favorite Edwardian apron. I wore my prettiest clothes and even a pearl necklace.   My mood and my courage require an appropriate uniform to show my authority as the Mother and Housewife of this lovely place. 

Next, I turned on my kitchen radio to hear a sermon of my late Uncle, a preacher from rural Alabama.  (He passed away in 1995, but many of his sermons had been recorded.)  As I listened, I remembered my childhood visits to his country church and the beauty of precious holiness, and godly living.  My courage began to soar.  I cleaned and made our humble house look lovely. 

I set out a game of chess on the parlour table.  Teenagers came by and spent hours happily playing together.   They were peacefully occupied!

A certain teenager stopped listening to her worldly music.  Another began to clean up his messes. The children started to smile and laugh and to, once again, bring joy to our hearts.  A grumpy husband cheered up because his wife was suddenly happy again, and devoted to home. 

After I spent the morning cleaning and loving my housework, I sat in a parlour chair to rest. Mr. White walked by and smiled at me.  He said he was very grateful to have me for his wife. 

I had taken back my home.

Mrs. White

Cultivating a godly culture - Holiness from the Garage.

One of the most popular posts on this site - No Income and the Basics of Life.

Oh, please bring back suppertime. The family needs it so much. - Suppertime in a rural Home.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Old Time Family Gathering

Afternoon Song, 1885

"What shall we do now?" Here is a question from a parlour guest. They have just had tea, walked about the room, played a little on the piano, and want a new idea for a bit of fun.

Perhaps two are in the corner playing a game of checkers, with deep concentration.  Perhaps one of the ladies sits by the fire, busy with some handi-work.   Another comes by to see her progress, asking for pointers on her own embroidery project.

Now one offers to read a bit of poetry to the group; Or a bit of Charles Dickens to bring a bit of culture, education and character to the minds of the parlour guests.

Dinner is announced. . . All commence to a formal table for a happy time of dining with one other.

                                                         -   -   -   -   -  -

I wonder if this old time gathering is possible in this day of television, computer, and mass consumer shopping.  There are sports programs, and holiday movies to entertain guests.  There are computers which call us to visit online. People are planning their financial adventures, and want to shop at all the evening and next day sales. But what if we took a bit of yesteryear and made it possible for our families today?  What if we ignored the diversions of our time and really sat around the parlour and passed the time in a lovely, peaceful way. . .   Just for a little while.

Mrs. White

What Happens  - When Mama Falls Asleep on the Job.

Someone has to Be Here - The Home Must Be Occupied

Where Mother is Dedicated to Home and Children - A Humble Parlour as a School of Theology.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

The Forever Marriage

Good Housekeeping, June 1902

Ideally, a marriage will last "until death do us part," as the vow is stated at the altar. This is a sacred promise we must strive to keep until the very end.   However, we are aware of difficult circumstances in today's culture.  There is rampant adultery, financial strain, easy divorce, and wives are being abandoned by husbands who want out.  It is not easy to stand committed to a "forever" marriage.

Marriage and Home are like a romance. We wives cultivate and bring beauty on a daily basis. We are like the angels of light and warmth and holy love.  We do this daily and we don't give up.  We do this regardless of any reward or appreciation. 

A Wife and  Homemaker,  has a duty to keep home and marriage a happy place, despite trials, sadness, anger and troubles.  It takes courage and a tremendous amount of behind-the-scenes work. 

The life-long marriages happen because of labor and effort.  One of the secrets is daily, moment-by-moment forgiveness. Be merciful, be slow to anger. . .  and forgive

 It is about working to make home and marriage lovely; making it a sanctuary and a haven. 

The following is a list of articles, stories, and ideas to help in this journey. (These are gathered from this blog, and were written by Mrs. White.)  The advice is designed for the Old Fashioned, Christian Housewife:

Not Happily Married

Forgotten Kindness in Marriage

Getting Along in Marriage

Marriage - When Groceries are the Presents

The Godly Home, Marriage, and Family

The Old Time Housewife

Bossy Wives

Recording the History of a Family

Cooking for Mister

A Wife Who Does Not Complain

When Couples Dream

Titus 2 series - Being Obedient to Your Husband

The Good Wife

Trials in the Kitchen

What I Learned from My Husband's Weariness

Are You Still Tricking Your Wife?

The Wife's Job at Home - Doing My Part

A Mother's Touch

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Free Presents for Mother

Carrying Parcels

For my birthday this year, I devised a lovely plan that won't cost any money. I gathered my teenagers around and announced, "It's time for a family meeting. . . " I smiled. "About my birthday."

They came running.

I told them I wanted something so very much, and said they didn't need to spend a dime. 

One of them guessed, "We don't have to clean the house, do we?" 

"That's it!" I cheered!

But it will be much more fun than that.

I am putting together a lovely little package and will leave it on my kitchen table.  I will use a large shoe box and wrap it up with delicate wrapping paper. I will write on the top, "Happy Birthday Mother!"  Then I will put a slot in the top.

Beside this, will be a small basket with a great many index cards.  Each card will have the name of a specific chore, such as "dust all the baseboards."  There will also be a spot to sign the child's name, and the date the chore was completed.   This card will then go into the happy birthday box as a present for mother!  (The children will have an entire week to get these done.)

On my actual birthday, I will open the box, read all the cards and thank my loving children. I will then walk the house with great joy and see all the beautiful clean rooms.  I can't wait!

Mrs. White

A Sweet Way to Communicate with the Family - A Mailbox in the House.

Financial Legacy - The Bills in the Whitman's Box.

No Money? - We Desperately Need These - Mothers with Christmas Courage.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.  I would also love to have you connect with me on Facebook and Twitter!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A Full and Busy House

"Rainy Day at Beach Rental," July 31, 1948

I love it when all my children are back at home. The house is busy and full of wholesome fun and activity.   My oldest ones will soon be here for Thanksgiving, and it will be just like the old days.

I was reading a homemaker book from the 1970's. The author talked about how her grandmother had it easier because her "nest" never emptied:

"In  my grandmother's day the children didn't leave home until they married.  Not one of her chicks established his own nest as a single person.  Consequently when the last one left home, Grandma was seventy-one."  - Terry Hekker

A full house, with children of all ages, brings joy to a homemaker.  There is always someone to visit with, bake with, play games with, and share laughter over a plate of cookies. 

Older children spend time out in the world, and bring home stories and news of  life "in the fast lane."  I love to be the one who is here to welcome them back, and delight in their presence.

Mrs. White

What My Dear Son Did - Presents to Cheer Me Up.

Marriage - What I Learned from My Husband's Weariness.

In Case You Wonder - How a Housewife Passes the Time.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.  I would also love to have you connect with me on Facebook and Twitter!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Amazing Dedication

Private Pew

Somewhere, in the middle of the world,  a heavenly light shined down on a virtuous Mother.   The angels watched, as she walked the earth with amazing dedication to the Lord.

Through her life, temptations came, but could not take her away from her mission.  It all started one afternoon, when she shut off the television, put aside a magazine, and vowed to give up her collection of worldly fads.  Something had happened.  The things of earth had suddenly become dim. Her worldly interest had faded.  The former things of the heart had passed away.   All it took was one little, hesitant step toward the warmth of holiness, and she was overjoyed with a yearning for heavenly treasures.

In Scripture, we are told to follow the Lord with all our heart.  There is no room for other loves, or worldly ambitions.  There is no room for worldly pursuits, because that would take away the time and the heart from the focus of the mission.

We are told not to turn aside.  We are not to become distracted by the glitter or the entertainment in this world.  This too will weaken the loving heart and take us away from our mission.

All earthly pursuits that are not founded on a godly vision, will be but hay and stubble at the end of one's life.  

The holy war, for the virtuous mother, is to recognize the subtle distractions and to have the courage to ignore them.  It is a daily battle. One that makes one incredibly weary, unless one is constantly warming oneself by the beauty of Scripture, old time sermons, hymns and solid church fellowship.

What else do you think Susanna Wesley (1600's) meant when she said, regarding the spiritual training of her children,  "I have lived such a retired life for so many years.  No one can, without renouncing the world in the most literal sense, observe my method: and there are few, if any, that would entirely devote above twenty years of the prime of life in hopes to save the souls of their children."   Two of her nineteen children, went on to be famous ambassadors of the Lord. John Wesley was an amazing preacher.  His brother Charles wrote some of the most beautiful hymns one could ever hear.

How else could any of this happen without Amazing dedication?  Is it painful to say no to the world and all its glitter?  Of course!  Is it painful and wearisome to stay on that little narrow path? Certainly. But the discipline it takes to make the effort is rewarded and relieved, when the flood of peace and heavenly joy comes in to renew and regenerate the mother's spirit.

At the end of her life, when others look over the earthly possessions of the departed, they expect to find worldly goods to sort.  Instead they find a hymn book, and  a tear stained Bible (for the path is hard, but worth it). Everything else was gone.  Because by the time she reached the heavenly gates, all her interests and worldly cares had dropped away.   Leaving the beauty of a dedicated life that amazed the souls she left behind.

And this heroic legacy made many want to stand strong for this same cause, the cause of being a holy light in a corrupt world.  On that day thousands more virtuous mothers came along and filled her place on this earth.  This is amazing dedication because of the AMAZING GRACE and LOVE of our dear Lord.

Now let me ask you this. . .  . Are we really following him? Or are we like the toddler child who is constantly getting tangled in the weeds of the world?

The virtuous mother craved and loved the church. She loved her Bible above all things.  She observed daily religious duties for the sake of her soul. And these small efforts kept her on the holy path.  This is what made the light shine down from heaven.  And the angels watched and were blessed by her life.

Mrs. White

Ideas for - A Happy Home.

The Classic Old Fashioned Housewife.

To Encourage the Mother of waywards - What Sundays Used to Mean to Housewives.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.  I would also love to have you connect with me on Facebook and Twitter!


Friday, November 9, 2012

The Dinner Hour

Skating Scene

I entered my parlour this afternoon, after being out in the cold on errands. We had bags and papers and things everywhere. It was time to prepare (mentally and literally) for the dinner hour.

I turned on a sermon tape, on my kitchen radio, of A. W. Tozer, "The Plague of the Heart," and  worked in my home, while being nourished and strengthened by godly wisdom.

Soon the dishes, from the day, were soaking. The counters looked neat. The table was cleared and shining.  The chairs were in order and the floor was picked up.  Home looked lovely.

I will light a candle before the sun sets. I will get the Bibles ready to prepare for evening worship, after dinner.  There will be no watching of television, or computer time, or listening to secular news or music.  It will be a sacred time of our family gathering together at our family table.   It will be the dinner hour.

To make the dinner hour successful takes labor, and vision, and an eagerness to enjoy home.  It takes a pushing aside of all worldly thoughts and worries and activities. It is time to calm the heart and to soothe the soul.  It is time to make family and loveliness and charm and the beauty of home a sacred obligation.

We will pray and eat and enjoy fellowship at the family table.  It will be a precious time because Mama made it happen.

Mrs. White

A Precious Gift - A Wife Who Does Not Complain.

What Life is Like With Little Money - Living Without Credit Cards.

Take Time to Read - The Old Vintage Hymn Book.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.  I would also love to have you connect with me on Facebook and Twitter!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sweet Hours at Home

A Sewing Lesson by the Fire

Evening at home is a lovely time, even in the most humble home.  The housewife might be mending by the fire, smiling at the children while they play.  Father is reading the paper, and sharing a bit of news that may interest his little brood.

The family has had their supper, and finished their nightly chores.  They enjoy some time in the warm room, forgetting the days troubles.

The world is shut out. The day is done.  These are sweet hours on the home front.

Soon it is time for family prayers. . .  The Bible is read.  Prayers are said.  Then each one is tucked into a warm bed.

Another precious day has become a beautiful memory.

Mrs. White

Essential Bedtime Routine for the Family - Mother's Rest.

Everyone Helps - Family Economy.

Calling the Children for Supper - Mother's Dinner Bell.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

I Dreamed About Mama Last Night

Oh, that we were mothers like this. Ones that our children would fondly and wistfully remember with tears in their eyes, after we are in the grave.

I pray they will think of us, and remember to walk the straight and narrow with joy, comforted by the well tread footsteps we walked before them.

"I Dreamed About Mama Last Night" by Hank Williams

Mrs. White

Grandpa's Influence - Holiness from the Garage.

American Family Heritage - The Blessing of Being a Half-Southern Mama.

Learning from a Little Nostalgia - Home Economics Television in 1949.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.  I would also love to have you connect with me on Facebook and Twitter!
