Thursday, May 17, 2012

Seeking Quiet

Carmel Valley in Spring

Some mornings I am so rushed with things to do, lately, that I can't seem to sit still long enough for Bible Study and prayer. Has it become a forgotten priority?

I used to teach my children to "tune out" the noise and chatter around them so they could do their schoolwork. I need this advice myself!

Sometimes, when I have free time, I choose to use it unwisely. I waste it.

I get so tired from all the excitement that I seek recreation in an old movie, rather than reading my Bible first.

I see pictures of Bibles opened on a table, and I see the beautiful words, and I yearn for the reading of it, but I do it not.

Discipline is difficult. To discipline oneself to do essential things for one's own good is easy when we don't stop. But painful when we have to keep re-starting and re-training ourselves to do the good and the right.

If only today could be the day I get back on track with everything that is important, I would be delighted.

Mrs. White

Always strive to be - The Good Wife.

Money -  Financial Survival in Hard Times.

The Sweetest Retreat - Mother's Domain.

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