Saturday, May 26, 2012

Inspired to Keep House

Wife and Home, First Editions Mothers and Babies Housewives Magazine, UK, 1929
"Wife and Home, First Editions Mothers and Babies Housewives Magazine, UK, 1929"

I used to receive some lovely old fashioned magazines in the mail. These were mostly homemade or published by small companies. They focused on Motherhood and Homemaking. There were also many charming books on these subjects that supported and encouraged wives in their work at home.

Writings in these publications on subjects like cookery, mothering, housekeeping, and being a sweet and good wife were like honey to soothe the soul.

The covers were beautifully decorated with pretty gardens, handmade quilts, home canned jams and other such enticing photographs or illustrations.

Before these periodicals were around, we wives depended on our church friends, family and our memories to help us along the way.  We were taught the home arts by Mother and grandmother.  This was when it was more common for women to stay at home and pass on the skills to the next generation.

When a grand-baby was expected, mother leaned on grandma for gentle support, advice and encouragement. The extended family taught skills of child care, patience, grace and the beauty of being home, by a living example, and by loving support.

The old ways are tried and true paths of peace.  The greatest thing we mothers learned by the older generation was to ride out the storms of life without giving up. We learned endurance, and how to stand strong and tall, following the principles of godly living, no matter what was happening around us.

This is what keeps the old paths alive. We don't walk away. We don't look at other options.

We must constantly strive to perfect the peace and comfort we can give to those in our midst with our godly hospitality. This is what helps inspire the next generation to keep house.

Mrs. White

A Happy Marriage - When Groceries are the Presents.

Learning from the Old Days - Building our Homes with Little Money.

Money - When There isn't Much.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email. 


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