Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Special Kind Of Home

Happy Home

I have visited many homemakers. I have seen a variety of decorations and ways of living. My favorite kind of interior is one that is mostly created with imagination by the mother's efforts.

 I like to see a homemade afghan over a rocker, or couch. I love to see throw pillows that were sewn by mother. I love to see simple curtains on the windows, and wild flowers in a glass bottle on a side table.

If mother has an ongoing knitting project near her special chair, I am inspired to do the same in my own home.

I love the creative efforts that are easily seen by the environment in a home.  These kinds of mothers often have little ones helping with their projects.  In this way, the children develop skills and are occupied and kept out of trouble. 

Yet, the house is often neat because an orderly, pleasant home is the daily focus. This is because it brings peace to the family and security to their lives.  A Mother will clean throughout the day, as she goes along. She will also take breaks and stop at a certain hour, but she is happily occupied with tasks of the home.

My own Mother -in-Law (a classic housewife) spent a portion of the day in discarding junk mail, or carefully storing some treasures, which had come in from the family. Her house was neat, uncluttered, and well-kept. But she worked diligently throughout the day. She made it look very easy, and to her it was!   She also had plenty of time to work in her garden, spend time resting in a beach chair, Crochet, cook, and visit with her daily guests.  Her routine was to rise very early and work in the quiet of the day, at a slow pace.   She also went to bed at a late hour, but this was because she was enjoying the day, not because she was overworked.

A pleasant home is one where the Mother does a great many things, with great joy. But it is also one where Mother has learned to wait out the seasons, and the storms of life, with patience and grace. She does not easily give up.  She has learned to keep creating, and making that home a very special place.

Mrs. White

Learning to Crochet - A Homemaking Lesson Learned from Mother White.

Remembering - When Television was Special.

Why is this? - No one Respects Homemaking Anymore.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.


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