Wednesday, February 1, 2012

As Dedicated as a Career Mom

American Housewife Margaret Carson Sitting at Home with Her Husband and Son

I watched a movie last night about a career Mom.  She was so busy, focused on both her job and her family.  Each aspect of her life was constantly clashing and something was always going wrong. I was exhausted just watching!

But it got me wondering. What if housewives put that same dedication into their homes and families that career moms do? What if we had lists of chores and meal planning and schedules for managing the children. It would be kind of like having an English governess and a capable housekeeper, except it is Mother doing all these things, with every bit of focus and love she has!

I think I will do this today. It is still early and everyone is sleeping. My goal today is to make home a lovely, well managed place.

I will start by getting dressed up in something simple but classic, along with a pretty apron and a pearl necklace.  Then I will start on the morning chores and begin some baking. I will write up today's menu (something I rarely do), so everyone will know what they can expect from my kitchen.

Then I will do the homeschooling, the errands, and more housework. I will also enjoy my precious family and thank God I am home!!

Mrs. White

Such a Sweet part of History - Radio Homemakers.

Make Home a Comforting Place - The Light in the Window.

Worthy to be Called a Homemaker - Old Fashioned Home Economics.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.


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