Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Kitchen Martyr

Pink and Blue Kitchen and Breakfast Nook

I was just scrubbing my dimly-lit kitchen tonight. It was so pleasant in there. Yet I am tired and worn out from a long day. As I cleaned, a calmness came over me. I was listening to Clair De Lune  on CD. It made me think of being a Kitchen Martyr. (gentle smiles)  I worked and slaved in the kitchen, but enjoyed it tremendously because the music comforted and soothed me.  When I was finished, I looked around at the pleasant rooms - my kitchen and my parlour. Everything was put back "to rights," and looked lovely. All the work was worth it.

I read somewhere that housewives in the 1960's spent an average of 4 hours a day cleaning their homes, compared to 2 hours a day for modern housewives.  I was amazed. I realize that mothers are often ill, or they are very busy, but if we could fit in more housework in our days, we would really enjoy the effort and the result.

I will leave you with this thought from Mathew Henry - "It is the duty of those who have the charge of families to look well to the ways of their household.  The affectation of state and the love of ease make many families neglected."  The love of ease, is something I am constantly fighting against!

Mrs. White
(From Nana's computer)

For mothers of little ones, I always took naps when my babies did. I cleaned while they played nearby. They always giggled when I vacuumed! For more on this, see "Keeping House with Small Children."

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