Friday, July 26, 2013

Winner of - Dear Kitchen Saints - Letters from an Iowa Housewife

On July 8, 2013, we released Connie Hultquist's new book, Dear Kitchen Saints: Letters from an Iowa Housewife.   Connie's incredible marriage testimony had been published twice in Nancy Campbell's Above Rubies magazine (both in 2000 and 2013). 

This book contains a wealth of godly wisdom and is much needed by today's Christian Homemakers!

I hosted a "Treasure Hunt."  Entrants played a little game for a chance to win a copy of Connie's Book. The contest ended today.

The winner is:


She will be notified by email and will receive a free copy of the book.

Thank you to everyone who entered!    I am also very grateful for all the help you gave, and continue to give, in spreading the word!

Mrs. White

From the Archives:

Please be one of these - "The Mother Who Isn't Busy."

Remembering old Childhood days - "When Television was Special."

Simple Happiness in Marriage - "When Groceries are the Presents."

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email. 


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