Monday, July 8, 2013

"Dear Kitchen Saints"

In 2000, Nancy Campbell of "Above Rubies Magazine" published an anonymous marriage testimony.  The writer included an email address.

   I contacted this anonymous writer, wanting to thank her for her courage and bravery in sharing her story with so many wives. I knew it would be an incredible encouragement to them.  She emailed me back, saying she knew who I was! I was stunned.  It turned out that we had both been writing for Crowned with Silver and Sarah's Promise magazines!  I had loved her articles in those publications and was amazed to read her testimony. 

Her name is Connie Hultquist.  For 13 years, she has been writing almost daily to a group of homemakers, encouraging them, building up their faith, and helping to strengthen Christian homes all over the world.

Recently, Nancy Campbell reprinted Connie's marriage testimony, in the February 2013 edition of "Above Rubies."  This time, she included her name.  There was also an update.   Connie, married almost 40 years, was now widowed.    Her testimony went out to 100 countries and many have written seeking her advice and encouragement. 

In light of this response, Connie and I worked together to come out with a book.  It was just released today!  It is called, "Dear Kitchen Saints:  Letters from an Iowa Housewife."    This book is much needed in today's Christian homes. 

Wives of this generation have it harder than ever.  They desperately need old time wisdom and encouragement.

Would you like to go on a Treasure Hunt for a chance to win your own copy of Connie's book?


For a chance to win, I need you to do 2 things:

1.  I have created a google document for you to fill out, as you discover the answers to some fun questions:

Here is - The Treasure Hunt Form(Just follow the instructions in the document. No rush, take your time.)

2.  After you submit your treasure hunt form (whether it is right away, or a few days from now), come back here and leave me a comment letting me know you did it.

I would also love your help in getting the word out.  Will you tell others about the treasure hunt, and about the new book?  I would appreciate it so much! 

Mrs. White

P.S.  Connie's new blog is called, "A Revival for Homemakers."  Be sure to visit when you get a chance!

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.


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