When my children were very young, we watched a program on VHS called, "Shalom Shabbat." It was adorable and starred Topol (from "Fiddler on the Roof"). He was an older gentleman who visited a school to celebrate the Sabbath with the students. He was able to enjoy the Sabbath meal with one of the families. There are a variety of segments, which show us the different foods served in different countries and cultures. There are also very short and precious stories using "clay type - cartoon" people. It was a delightful program.
One segment that struck me was this little boy, sitting on the synagogue steps. There were Hebrew letters all around him and he was puzzled. The Rabbi, on his way into the synagogue, noticed the boy and his dilemma. He announced to the congregation that the service would be delayed. He told them about the young boy, saying that time was needed for the letters to reach heaven and form into a prayer.
Sometimes, in our own prayer life, we don't always know what to say. At other times, we may be so overcome by the trials and pain in our lives, that a prayer is agonizing and exhausting. What this boy and Rabbi teach us is that we don't always have to say something in our prayers. There are times we are so weary and dumbfounded, that it is a precious blessing to just sit at the Master's feet, mute, and be comforted. God knows what we would have said, or what we need. . . He understands.
Mrs. White
For the Tough Times - The Note in Mother's Pocket.
If only we Mothers Had this - Amazing Dedication.
When Things are Going Wrong - Forgotten Kindness in Marriage.
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