Saturday, October 6, 2012

Choose Your Propaganda

Secret Garden

Whatever you focus your mind on, that is what you will become. Is that a scary thought? Or does it explain a lot of our doubts, confusion, and our misery.

The wonderful thing about the United States is that we are a free country.  However, we are constantly bombarded with propaganda from biased media.  Our minds are always under attack with ungodly ads, news, and "lifestyles" paraded before us, in our everyday lives.

Most of us cannot become reclusive and hide out in the deep woods, living in a cozy cottage. But we can recreate such a retreat in our daily choices. It is up to us:

1. What we read.
2. What we watch on television.
3. What we see on a computer.
4. Where we go.
5. What we will listen to on the radio.
6. What kinds of people we will be friends with.
7. What kind of church we will be a part of.

The last few days, I have heard plenty of reality shows, news, and horrible "trivial" propaganda coming from the people around me, and the programs they watch. It is causing a restlessness and a misery inside me.

To counteract this, I am choosing propaganda that will re-new my mind, my soul and my heart.  I am going to get all dressed up today and sit in my parlour. I will do my normal duties throughout the day, while listening to gospel or sermons on my kitchen radio. I will read and sing from my hymn book. I will do my Prentiss study.  I will also read from three books I have chosen from my home library:

1. "Nearing Home" by Billy Graham.
2. "Raising Your Children for Christ" by Andrew Murray.
3. "Not Regina" by Christmas Carol Kauffman.

In order to live a joyful, godly life, one must have a mind on heavenly matters.  We must seek for it as hidden treasures. We must yearn for it, and be disciplined enough to do certain religious duties.  We must avoid the bad propaganda that will cripple and destroy our mind.

  It all really comes down to freedom of choice - our free will.  Choose this day which propaganda you will hear.

Mrs. White

You Can Have  - The Cleanest House Ever!

Are You One of These? - A Mother of Sinners.

It is All I Ever Wanted To Be - Just a Regular Mom.

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