Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Mother Who Isn't Busy

Geraniums On A Country Porch

Serving a family and keeping a home takes a lot of time. Doing it peacefully, without much else to occupy the energy, will leave a lasting impression.

When Mother is available all day long, for whatever needs arise, she is cherished and counted on.   Can you imagine the mother who wants to see her family fed and full and happy, and who enjoys making snacks and meals for her loved ones?  Imagine she never says, "just a minute. I have to finish my own thing first."

Imagine this same mother spending time with each family member, doing what they enjoy.   Imagine her going outside with the teen boys and cheering them on in their games.  Imagine her chatting with her girls and doing projects they want to do.  Imagine her sitting in the parlour chair, serving tea, and happily getting up to serve someone in need. 

She can't do any of this, cheerfully, unless she isn't busy.

This mother will find great peace and contentment in serving her family. Notice, she is not the slave. She is not the doormat. She is greatly esteemed, respected and dearly loved. She is NEEDED and wanted.   Her children and husband seek her out for help, comfort, and her presence because they know they are her entire world. They are her hobby, her project, her joy.

Yet, she will deal with moods and messes. She learns to handle them with grace and dignity.  She will guide the characters of those in her charge, and she will do it sweetly. Her example of patient, methodical work with a cheerful attitude (despite trials or tears) will pour inspiration and love into their minds and hearts.

And if she ever has those overwhelmed moments, or faces difficulties, she will go into her prayer closet and get help from the one who knows all and sees all. She will get her comfort there, and she will be renewed and ready to joyfully get back to her life of not being busy.

Sometimes, when we strive to do our own thing, the real thing we are destined to do gets neglected and trampled over.   The greatest goal of a mother and wife, is to dedicate her days to the lifetime vocation of home and family.

Mrs. White

Have you Taken This yet? - A Vow of Poverty.

Cleaning for THEM - The Kitchen is Ready!

Learning from -  The Charm of the Old Days.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.  I would also love to have you connect with me on Facebook and Twitter!


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