Friday, August 17, 2012

A Vow of Poverty

Small Girl Walking Down the Poverty Stricken Town of Hemphill in Appalachia

It always happens. . . We Mothers start building up our savings and something comes along to take it away. But most often, the need is for those around us, especially our own children.

Godly Mothers and Fathers often make a subconscious vow when they start a family. The vow is one of poverty.  This means they pledge to spend the majority of their money on the needs of their children. ("Needs" not "Wants.")

We never see these kinds of mothers in costly array, or in fine homes.  We don't see them shopping idly in boutiques, or dining in elegant restaurants. These mothers use their material resources to care for the poor, and the needy, even if that is often their (old or young) children.

Old Time Mothers in Poverty would scrimp and save and find ways to make sure their children had decent shoes, nutritious foods and a humble home.

When money came in and was saved for a rainy day, Mother was delighted to have the cash to feed a hungry, weary soul, who had entered her cozy parlour to take a break from the painful world.

All money that is used for selfish needs, all health that is consumed to glorify self, all worries of reputation fall by the wayside for the godly mothers.  She seeks not her own gratifications. 

The vow of poverty is not a promise to live a destitute life. It is a pledge to use all that goes through her hands, to bless and encourage those around her.

If I pledge my "wealth" and my "health" and my "reputation" for the ministry of my own family and for those that come through my door, I have made a vow of poverty for the Lord.

This means I will spend on that which is eternal.  I will find a way to serve despite my health issues.  I will not care what others say or think of me, but only care of the view from God's eyes.

Mrs. White

What Would Happen? - If I Visit You at the Dinner Hour.

We Need to Be Here - As Sorrowful Yet Always Rejoicing at Home.

Please Don't be One of These - Bossy Wives.

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email.  I would also love to have you connect with me on Facebook and Twitter!


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