Monday, November 18, 2013

A Rainy Visit

West Wycombe

There is a gentle rain falling on this early November morning. I was getting ready to do the morning work but didn't want to turn on the lamps. The dim, dreariness of the outdoors was almost charming.

I have to take care of Grandbaby in just a little while.  When he wakes up, all other activities must be dropped, for baby must have all my attention.  So please forgive me if this writing stops abruptly.

Mister and I did a little shopping last evening.  We had a tight budget for groceries this week because we had some other necessary expenses that took quite a bit of money.  It will be better in a few days.

I have all kinds of things to cook and bake; but plan to be quiet and enjoy the rainy day.  It puts one in a mood for just reading by the window, and having a simple day without any worries.

I baked cornbread to go with a late afternoon lunch yesterday.  I will bake a pumpkin pie (frozen) this morning.  It brings a warming sense of happiness because it brings a delightful scent to the kitchen.

I still have to clean the parlour and work on the kitchen, but wanted to have a quick little visit with you.

Have a wonderful day!

Mrs. White

From the Archives:

Won't you be one of these? - A Good Little Housewife.

The joy and peace of simplicity - The Basics of Lovely Housekeeping.

Mister and I took one of these - A Vow of Poverty.

A special book for Homemakers - "Mother's Book of Home Economics."

An Invitation - Subscribe to The Legacy of Home and have it delivered directly to your email. 


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