I used to read a story to my children when they were little. It was a Christmas story. There was this young destitute boy, walking on Christmas Eve trying to find shelter. He went to a rich home. He heard laughter and happiness. He saw lots of people in the windows, eating and very merry. A servant came to the door, took one look at him, and sent him away. "We don't need the likes of you here!"
Onto the next house. The boy thought the rich people would be kindly. He thought they would give him a little food and offer him a place beside the fire so he could rest and be warm. But house after house turned him away. This little "vagabond" would ruin their parties. He was not welcome.
The boy was just about to give up. Tears streamed down his face as he walked out of the city. He prayed and begged God for help. He stumbled onto an old shack with a small light in the window. He timidly knocked. An old women answered the door. She had a great heart of motherly compassion. She brought this poverty - stricken stranger into her home and set out to take care of him. He was placed near the warm hearth and given a blanket. The boy looked around at the sparsely furnished old room while he ate a warm bowl of soup. The woman was so kind to him. His weary soul was refreshed and grateful.
But something started to happen. Back in the rich houses, a cry came out. "There must be a fire over there!" They looked out the window down the street. There was a bright light coming from an old shack. The wealthy folks left their parties and headed towards the light. But it wasn't a fire. The light of holiness had shined down so bright because of the kindness of the old woman, and the joy in the heart of the poor boy. When the rich people saw this, and that it was the boy they had turned away, they repented of their callousness. They wanted what that boy and old woman had. They wanted the joy of godliness and love and something far more valuable than an abundance of gifts and parties.
This year, in many homes in America, many families will not have Christmas presents. Many will not have a tree or decorations or much food. The economy is so bad, that even if these families had a little extra cash available, they would be terrified to spend it on gifts, when that money may be needed to repair a car, pay a heating bill or make sure the family had enough basic food.
Many homes this year will look destitute from the outside, but inside the sweet and humble hearts will be filling their homes with love and gratefulness because they have each other, and a little warm soup to share. This year, we may very well see a bright light coming from many humble homes across the land on Christmas Eve, and those lights will not be from decorations.
Mrs. White
What it is Like - Living Without Credit Cards.
No Money for Christmas - To Encourage the Downcast Housewife.
Make it a Lovely, Precious Place - The Romance of Home.
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