Friday, August 2, 2013

Recovering at Home

Covered Bridge at West Arlington, Vermont, New England, United States of America, North America

I am getting my strength back. I am amazed at how quickly I am getting better. Around this time last year, I was bedridden for almost a month!  I thought I was in for a rough time.  I am so grateful to be able to recover without any worries of errands or missing events. It has turned into a blessing to be without a car.

Yesterday, official word came in that our car is not fixable.  I am now permanently without a vehicle.  Mister has managed to get his old Cadillac running. He hopes to work on it, for those little errands he will take me on.  But mostly, I am home.

There have been many trials here at home in the last couple of months.  I have gotten run down.  The family has stepped in and taken on much of the housekeeping, though they don't "love" the work as much as I do. (gentle smiles)

As I have been ordered on bed rest by my children and husband, they have not seen me sneak into a room, here and there, to put away an item, straighten a chair, polish a counter, etc.  Then I head back to my bed to watch old movies and wait for one of the children to bring me hot tea in a pretty cup.  I was on total bed rest for the first day, then was able to start moving again.  I do take it slow and I will continue to rest as much as possible.

One of the hardest things for mothers is to rest when there is a baby in the house!  Grandbaby needs to be hugged, and rocked, and walked in the carriage.  He needs his tours of the property and humble gardens.  He needs someone to sing hymns and comfort him.  One can only rest around baby's needs!  Grandmothers find it very hard to resist taking care of a little one!  Perhaps having him here, has helped me to get better so much faster?

Have you toured our property yet?  You can see part of the grounds and Mister's Cadillac.  Just look on the right sidebar of the blog for the link.  While we live in financial poverty, we are very blessed here at home.

Mrs. White

I was delighted to see a lovely review of my book, "For the Love of Christian Homemaking," by Mrs. June Fuentes at "A Wise Woman Builds Her Home!"

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