Friday, May 27, 2011

The Seclusion of Home

Cottage Stream

It's been a rough week around here. We've had thunderstorms, power outages and internet loss. My teenagers and older children have been through trials. I've heard frustration. .  and complaints . .  and tried to soothe the tears. The world around us can be a painful place.

I have been working here- and- there around the house, as I have been able.  But the mere act of getting up in the morning is becoming too much. I am exhausted.  Maybe this is another forced rest?

I am going to have to really pace myself.   Earlier today, I actually craved a cane. I thought it would help keep me steady.  It's not that something is wrong with me, necessarily, just that life throws a lot of painful things my way. While I can endure it emotionally, it takes a physical toll.

This is why I love the seclusion of home.

This is the place where I can recover.  This is the precious place where hearts can be made whole. . . and weary souls can find rest.

May it be so.

Mrs. White

Creating Beauty with -  The Romance of Home.

When I am well, I love - When Mother is Productive.

A heartwarming, inspiring Song - My Mother's Faith.

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